There are no age equivalents, but the advice is to establish understanding of concepts at Level I before moving up to the next level.
There are 207 concepts screened in 12 categories:
Quality, Colour, Texture, Sound, Shape, Size, Movement, Quantity, Space, Time, Number, Personal Qualities.
Where possible the screen uses toy objects (154 concepts are screened using objects), the remaining 53 concepts are screened using pictures.
The toy objects are CE/UKCA approved, and are presented in an A3 craft box with dividers, and in 2 x A5 zipped bags. The pictures are in an A5 popper bag.
There is a photocopiable record form with clear instructions for presenting the objects/pictures, and space for comments and recommendations.
Everything fits into an A3 zipped bag, labelled with a brown parcel tag.
This screen is recommended for comprehensive, informal assessment of a child’s understanding of language concepts, mostly using manipulatives, and so can be used to plan treatment.