There are 6 locks with a picture on 1 side and the word on the other. They measure approximately 7cm x 8cm. Each lock is opened with a key that is matched by a picture that ‘goes with’ the picture on the lock e.g. frog -> tadpoles, shoes -> socks.
Each lock also has a pair of puzzle pieces that ‘goes with’ the picture on the lock e.g. rain -> raining and umbrella.
There are 4 baseboards with photo symbols for each of: lock pictures; lock words; keys; puzzle pieces.
There are ‘I want’ strips for 1 and 2 pictures, and a ‘Give me..’ strip for 3 pictures for Requesting activities; and “I can see..’ strips for 1 and 2 pictures, and a ‘Look!…’ strip for 3 pictures for Commenting activities.
There are 6 larger photo ‘instructions’ which show 2 locks joined to each other (3 picture side up, 3 word-side up), and 2 more photo instructions which show 3 locks joined together. These are used as an introductory activity to prompt children to request objects to match to the pictures.
Finally there is an advice sheet to explain activities, including a ‘Help’ symbol if children struggle with opening the locks and joining them together.
This is a ‘reward’ activity for children motivated by using keys, and helps them to develop their requesting and commenting skills.
Recommended for children with delayed language, children with ASD and children learning English.