‘Stick Man’ Paperback Book + Story Sequencing Baseboard strips with 28 matching pictures + Colourful Semantics baseboard with 6 velcro’d colour-coded question cards and 45 matching colour-coded pictures.
The Paperback Book is brand new and fits inside the A4 zipped bag as pictured.
The Story Sequencing Baseboard is 7 strips of 4 picture, attached with treasury tags so it can be folded. It comes with 28 matching single pictures.
The Colourful Semantics Baseboard is A4 size and has a box for placement of 1 of the story pictures, and 2 sets of 3 boxes underneath: the top 3 are for placement of the appropriate velcro’d question words (placed by the adult) to act as extra prompts, and the bottom 3 are for placement of the colour-coded pictures to match the sentence underneath the picture. The words prompted are as follows:
WHO? I, a girl, a boy, a dad, Stick Man, family, Stick Lady, children, Santa, a dog, a swan;
WHAT DOING? picked up, fell, pulled, is, are, am not, hear, lived, delivered, dreams about, floated, caught;
WHAT? a noise, a boot, a stick, a mast, an arm, a pooh-stick, all the toys;
WHERE? Home, into the room, in the grate, on a sandcastle, to a beach, on a snowman, in a nest, in the river, in the park, in the snow
These resources are designed to support children to sequence the events of a story, and to make 3 word sentences to describe each stage of the story.
All the colours are taken from the most recent and widely-used ‘Colourful Semantics’ theory.
There is an advice sheet explaining how to use these resources for each activity.
Everything fits inside an A4 zipped bag, labelled with a brown parcel tag.
Highly recommended for children with delayed language, children with autism, and children learning English.